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By:  James Idoroyen  and  Agunbiade  Adeshola 

Lagos is the proclaimed centre of excellence and Eyo festival  is one of the celebration that started during the era of  the first  western educated and Christian oba of lagos -King Akintoye Ogbolumaja. 

When he died his in-laws from Ijebu Iperu decided to celebrate his death with Eyo Festival since then, it has been one of the important festivals held yearly in Lagos state. The Eyo festival also known as ADAMU ORISA is a Yoruba festival unique to the people of Lagos state.

The Eyo together with friends and family of the Iga(palace) parade from one end of Lagos Island to the other. A full week before the festival (always a Sunday), the ?senior? eyo group( Adimu), goes public with a staff. This means the event will take place on the following Saturday.The "Orisa Oniko" parades early in the morning on the day of the festival. This is believed to drive away evil spirits from the occasion

Practices of the masquerades

Each Eyo comes out of an Iga ( palace) of a ruling family in the morning and heads for the shrine (Agodo). Robed  from head to toe in white flowing cloth. The white flowing costume consists of an ?agbada? (the top robe), and the ?aropale? (the bottom wrap around). No part of the person carrying the Eyo is expected to be seen. The Eyo also wears an ? Akete? A hat  that bears the colours and shield of the Iga from which he comes. An Eyo may tie ribbons in his Iga?s colours to the Opambata (palm branch) that he carries. An Iga?s Eyo may have up to 50 to 100 or more members. Each person carrying a robe as Eyo must pay a fee for the privilege. The fee is paid to the Iga ? ruling house, whose colours and Akete the Eyo wears. The Adimu is identified by a black, broad-rimmed hat

There are various categories of the masquerades namely : Eyo Adimu Orisa, Eyo Okanlaba, Eyo Oniko , Eyo Ologede and Eyo Agere

When it's almost a week to the festival,  Eyo Adimu brings out a  long staff called  OPA EYO  on Sunday to greet important personality. Okanlaba does the same thing on Monday followed by Oniko on Tuesday, Ologede on Wednesday and Alagere on Thursday. And on Friday is the day referred to as   “Aiyisun eyo” four of the EYOS:  Eyo orisa "Adimu, Oniko and Ologede" go to imoku(burial ground) in the midnight and  the Eyo Orisa by 6pm  goes to Agodo to dance. 

The EYOS dance in sequence at the Agodo square, starting with Eyo Adamu Orisa, followed by Eyo Okanlaba , Eyo Oniko,  Eyo Ologede and Eyo Agere. After the five Eyo Orisa finished dancing all others  known as Fance Eyo ( unrecognized ones ) will also dance at Agodo ( Dancing Square) , afterwards they all move down to Imoku (burial ground) to dance at the burial ground of  important personnel who have had impact on the land before their  deceased from earth. 

By 6pm in the evening all masquerades return to their IGA (Resting place).  Adimu is the only Eyo that has the right to cut off the Agodo parah (net) and after he  cuts off the net that is the end of the festival for that year.

Significance of the Festival

The Eyo festival, organized under the auspices of the Yoruba tradition, as well as social organizations or clubs. It serves as an outlet to showcase the culture of the Isale Eko people. since Organized for special occasions apart from the death of prominent chiefs, elders, or installation of a new Oba, it is also used to entertain at special state functions or occasions.

Edited by: Adebayo Nurudeen

Published by: Mondiu Sherifat


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